Jan 29, 2020 - Using widgets in IMUNES


Using widgets in IMUNES


There is a useful feature in IMUNES called Widgets that can be used when running experiments in GUI. It works like this:

  • Run any experiment with any number of nodes (e.g. PCs, Hosts or Routers).
  • You want to know the routing tables of some nodes but don’t want to write the same command on every node.
  • Click on the Widgets menu and select IPv4 Routing table
  • Move your mouse to any of the nodes on canvas and the information about the routes will be shown in the window.

If you want to run your own custom command, just select Custom... and write your command into the input field and press OK. Move the mouse over the node and your custom command will be executed. Be careful and don’t execute any long-running commands with large or infinite outputs or you will spam your node and it will run out of resources.

We are also working on a new feature: Link widgets which will provide information about the link under the mouse cursor.

Jan 21, 2020 - Changing the node docker image in IMUNES (on Linux)


Changing the node docker image in IMUNES (on Linux)


In on of our latests commits we added the possibility to choose the docker image IMUNES will load on every node. Just open the configuration dialog on the node and write the docker image name in the input box:

topology and dialog example

Not every docker image will work: the image needs to adhere to certain rules which will be explained in our FAQ.

Jan 13, 2020 - Connecting IMUNES with the real machines


Connecting IMUNES with the real machines


We often get asked to explain how to connect the IMUNES topology to an outside network or how to connect the machine running IMUNES to a running topology. That is why we created two entries to our FAQ:

  • How can I connect my host computer (the one running IMUNES) to an IMUNES topology?
  • How can I connect a running IMUNES topology to the internet?

where we explained exactly how to do both of those things. Also, this automatically answers the (another often asked) question:

  • What is the difference between External connection node and External interface node?